Monday, December 29, 2014

Desperate Times

Sometimes, you can come to a place in life where it seems like you're running in slow motion. It's like everything has slowed down around you. Not necessarily, the eye in the middle of a storm, but just a place where you know God is there, you know He times you feel so close to Him and there are other times where He just seems so far away.

If you ever get to the point where it seems like all of your struggles are attacking you all at once, don't condemn yourself. Don't play the victim. Don't prolong staying in your puddle of tears. Get up. Brush yourself off and repent. Repent. Pray. And ask for forgiveness and run straight in your Savior's arms. Know that this is happening for a reason - your back-slidden moments. Know that these times will not overcome you, but somehow make you into the person you need to be. You will gain wisdom from this. Satan only wants to see you at your worst, but know that God sees you at your best and He speaks into your potential.
"The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you." Romans 16:20

In the moments it seems like no one understands, including yourself - God understands. He knows. You're not alone.

Keep your head up beautiful. Sunshine is just right around the corner.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

D.O.B. Facebook Page!

Hey y'all! DOB has an official facebook page up and running! I encourage you to go like it and tell your lovely friends about!

Let's spread the love and truth of Christ!!

Stay Beautiful!
