Monday, December 3, 2012

Keepin' It Classy In A Not So Classy Society

"Keepin' It Classy"

As we all know, this society that we live in has lost its sense of class. Everywhere, we see young women dress more and more skimpy by the day. We see young men wearing their pants around their ankles, people losing respect for not just authority, but for their peers as well. So, how do you maintain a little class in a society who seems as though it has lost its class?

You can learn how to become a classy young lady. It may seem as though being classy is a hard attempt, but no. Being classy can be incorporated into your way of life. Starting with your mindset that eventually flows into your actions. Being classy will become second hand nature to you. 

So, you are probably wondering, how in the world am I able to keep it classy if everyone around me is acting a complete fool?

Here's a few tips!:

1.) It starts with how you treat others: KINDNESS. Yes, it sounds cliche, but kindness is a very important character trait to have as a young lady especially a young lady who lives for Christ. We all should know the Golden Rule by now. "Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets" (Matthew 7:12). It is imperative that we keep this rule very close to our hearts, and it is also imperative that we apply this rule to our lives every single day. Having kindness plays a great role into how you are treated by others. Better yet, having kindness plays a great role into how YOU treat others! I understand that sometimes we have our days where we are not in the mood in treating others with kindness. BUT, in order to maintain the character of a classy lady, we always have to have kindness harboring in our hearts. Especially being a young CHRISTIAN, CLASSY lady. WE now belong to Christ, so we have bigger responsibilities because we are apart of the body of Christ. We ALWAYS have to remember that someone's salvation is at stake. So whether we feel like it or not KINDNESS is always the way to go. EVEN THOUGH, we all should treat others with kindness, this DOES NOT mean we let anyone walk all over us. It is very possible to keep it nice AND classy while being FIRM and NON-TOLERANT of DISRESPECT. 

2.) The way you dress. YES! Living in today's society, one can easily see that the way an average teenage girl dresses is...well, let's say skimpy? Especially, seeing all of the celebrities with very exposed outfits on. Many teenage girls look up to these celebrities who are all about "fashion". But, fashion these days seems as though it has lost its sense of decency. I can see how and why girls dress the way they do. They want to be apart of the fashion world with the latest styles and fads. There is a way to keep up with the fashion world and also keep it classy. But, as young women living for Christ, we should be more concerned with our lives reflecting Christ and being ambassadors for Him. I am not saying there is anything wrong with looking cute or fashionable because there is not. There is just a pre-caution we have to take as young women for Christ especially attaining the special curves God has blessed us with. Ha. We also have to keep our priorities in check. I understand we are young women, and we like attention and we like to accent our bodies with certain clothing. BUT, we also have to be aware that these young men are easily entertained by any and everything a young voluptuous woman has to offer, and there will usually be only one thing on their mind. (*hint hint, if you know what I mean). Roman 12:1 says, "And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice-the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him." As young ladies, we HAVE to make sure that we present our bodies as LIVING sacrifices to the Lord. We want to please the Lord by the way we treat and handle our bodies. This also means by the way we dress. He wants us to OPERATE in the SPIRIT and NOT in our FLESH. Ladies, if the way you are dressing is to attract a young man, you should revise your wardrobe. Dressing raunchey will not gain you the positive attention you want, but will only differ Christian young men who are looking for a classy lady to call their own. We need to learn how to dress modestly, and allow others to be attracted by what is in our MINDS and HEARTS rather than by what we are showing off to the general public. Beauty begins on the inside. Priority check! Always keep in mind, we are DAUGHTERS of Christ and we are HIS PRINCESSES. So, always conduct and dress yourselves in a manner that God would approve of.

3.)The way you talk/conduct yourself. Ahh, yesss young ladies. The way we conduct ourselves with our thoughts, actions, and speech should always reflect a classy, honorable, young lady who lives for Christ. How can we call ourselves young classy christian ladies if we are going off on someone all the time? Or how can we claim the title of a "lady" if we are not acting as such, dancing very inappropriately at the teen clubs? First of all, young ladies should not be attending clubs, and partying, better yet a christian young lady. Second of all, no matter how mad you get, a young lady should never go off on someone especially in a public facility. "Fools vent their anger, but the wise quietly hold it back" (Proverbs 29:11). A young lady should always be quiet and reserved in the way she conducts herself. Take note, I am not saying a young lady should be timid, but what I mean when I say quiet and reserved is by holding a certain respect and self-confidence about her. A young lady does not need to make known that she is a lady. People will know because she simply ACTS like a lady. Walk it like you talk it. Young ladies should not have perverse lips. This is just a no, no and VERY unclassy. "For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do" (1 Timothy 2:10). No one likes to hear a loud mouth chick. I am pretty sure you do not even like to hear a loud mouth chick. So, if you find yourself wanting to pop off at the mouth, take a moment, and recollect yourself. Young ladies, as we eventually mature into godly women, we will be able to understand what all it means to be classy in everything we do. But, why wait?! The time is now! We need to conduct ourselves as godly young ladies! While doing so, we will have incentive to be an example to the other aspiring young ladies out there at the same time bringing souls to the Kingdom! HOW AMAZING!

I charge you to conduct yourselves worthy of the Gospel of Christ, always holding class, dignity, and humility about yourselves. In everything you do, do it for the Lord!

Always keep it calm, cool, and collected...for Jesus!

Ayanna Tillman 


  1. I always stress the importance of class! I am also a God-fearing young woman, and my blogs purpose is to help christian girls in college, because it gets hard on us. temptation, the wrong crowd and all. I will support you, your blog, and your youtube. please help me and do the same ? - sisters in Christ, Lauren

  2. omgoodness Hi Lauren! I just saw this! I am so sorry! I'm still trying to figure out how to work this blog! lol of course I will help! Thank You so much for your support! you can email because I'm not sure where to see the notifications! lol it's!
