Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Why Settle?

Why do we have to settle for less? And when I say settle for less, I mean settle for less than what God has called us to. Why do we have to think that we won't be a success because we don't go to the best, most "prestigious" school? Why do we have to think that we won't be a success because we're not out doing internships and making tons of money in the corporate world? All of the thoughts of what it means to "settle for less" are nothing but thoughts of the world. It's worldly success. It's fleeting. It won't matter in the end.

We can't find ourselves being so consumed by what everyone else thinks that we forget to be consumed by the Word and who God says we are. Society will always tell us we're not good enough. The world will always tell us that living for Christ isn't worth it. They will tell us that we're going down the wrong path and that later down the line when we don't have the fame and fortune we thought we wanted, we'll regret not following the path of the world. We'll regret not living out the envied, covetous "American Dream".

Why should we settle for the desires of the world when the Lord has called us to much more than that? Have you ever heard of the Great Commission? Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". Is the life Jesus told us to live not worth while? Is the life Jesus called us to live too risky? Too uncomfortable? Too "poor"? Too draining? Too whatever your flesh and the enemy wants to tell you? The very life Jesus has commanded us to live is worth so much more than we can ever imagine. When we give our lives to Christ, we sign up to live for Christ. We sign up for pursuing the Will of God. We sign up for picking up our cross and carrying it no matter how heavy it is. When we finally surrender everything to Christ, we're signing up to say "yes" to Him no matter how unclear the path may look. We blindly go down wherever the path takes us, but our faith operates as our sight. Jesus will never leave us alone when He calls us. He will never leave us alone. Period.

When it comes to living for Christ, it may be hard to fully trust God blindly. It may be hard to stop caring about or worrying about what other people may think of you. There are souls that need to be saving. There are souls that need to know who Jesus is, and those precious souls may never get to know who Jesus is if they don't encounter you. When God sends you...He sends YOU and no one else. You may be able to do the job that nobody else can. Everyone is unique in their own way and not everyone has the same mission. We have to constantly seek Christ with a hunger and thirst. We have to want more and more of Him each day. That means that these worldly desires that we may have, that these dreams that the world says it's important to have to be successful HAS TO GO in order to be a success in the eye's of Christ. We have to think Kingdom Business and remember not to settle for what the world offers, but for what God offers.

Why should we settle for less when we have been called to more?

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