Sunday, January 20, 2013



I think we've all had a point in time where we have just felt so overwhelmed by the pressures, decisions, or whatever else this world has to throw at us. And most times, it leaves us feeling like we can't breathe. Like we feel suffocated.
As growing young adults, especially being ladies, it seems as though we are faced with so many options and decisions. It is already overwhelming enough trying to behave like a classy lady for Christ, but adding pressure and decision or whatever else from outsiders makes things get a little tough even bothersome.

I know a lot of us have come to the point where we feel like our parents, authority figures, or even older siblings are trying to make the decisions for us. It's like they want to tell us what and how we are going to live our lives, and what we are going to do with our lives. This I know is very frustrating. As young ladies, we are starting to develope a mind of our own, and we are searching for some type of freedom where we are able to excercise our thoughts, feelings, dreams, desires, visions caustiously but on our own. But, it seems like no one agrees with what you want or someone always tries to take over your dreams. It's like you can live out your dreams or you can do this or that as long as it is in the vicinity of what THEY want for you.

It seems like no one gives you a chance to voice your opinion, because no one ever asks you what you want right? It seems like they are trying to control everything you do right? It seems like they are taking away the options they said they were going to give you right?

So, how do we deal with the frustrations of trying to grow up, trying to spread your wings, when someone is always telling you to do opposite of what you want. How do we express our visions and our feelings without being disrespectful of the ones who have sacrificed the most for you?

First of all, I'll tell you this. Whatever worry or concern you have, ALWAYS give it to Jesus. Give whatever you desire, whatever situation you are going through, whatever frustration you have...give it to Jesus. Because when you give your concerns to Jesus, it allows you to act in freedom. You are not in bondage to the very thing that was frustrating you. And when you acknowledge that Jesus can take care of any problem you may face, it allows your faith to grow because you are believing and trusting God for what might seem like the impossible. Never doubt God's ability to take care of a situation for you. Becuase when you put your cares in God's hand, you will find yourself with a joy you never would have been able to experience if you were bogged down with worry.

Second, pray. Whatever is concerning or harboring on your heart and mind. Always pray. In all things, pray. Ask God to help you deal witht the current situation you are facing. Ask Him to give you the strength that you need so you can boldly voice your opinions. Ask God to be with you as you go about things. Ask Him to give you a peace of mind and a soul that can rest in the midst of the storm. You don't receive from God, because you don't ask. Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door shall be opened."For everyone who asks receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:8. Ask God when you pray that He will show you what His will is for that situation that you have been praying about. Seek God's guidance in all things. Because in reality, you could be praying about the wrong thing. So, as Christians, we always want to have discernment to determine whether our motives are right or not.

And Thirdly, just rest and be patient. People are not perfect, and there will be many times where the very ones closest to you will make you feel suffocated, and they will make you feel like you can't voice your opinion. But don't fret. If you prayed, God heard you. Have faith to know that God is working in your life and that He is going to fix every single thing that is concerning you. Trust God and WAIT on His perfect timing. No, we don't always get what we want, but if God told YOU what HE had for YOU, then no one can stop you. If God wants it to happen, then it will no doubt happen. Be confident in that. Be confident in your Savior. He's got your back. He won't let you fall. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28.

So, I charge you today, if you feel pressed down by frustrations, worries, fears, realize that God is in control and you can give your cares to God, and that He will always come through on His word. Remember, to rest in Christ and pray in all things. Worry does no good to the soul. So, while you're waiting on God's PERFECT timing, give thanks for what He has already done. Give thanks for what He has given you already. Better yet, give thanks in ADVANCE for what He is going to do. Have faith love. Have faith.

Always remember to keep it calm, cool, and collected...for Jesus!


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