Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pain & Love: Universal

I have come to realize that pain is universal. Love is universal. No matter who a person is, we all feel pain and we all feel love. The thing about pain is that everyone handles pain differently. Some are stronger than others. Not to discredit the ones who aren't able to endure pain as easily as others, I'm just saying that we all deal with certain situations differently.

What's my point?

My point is that someone could meet a total stranger on the street, but would be able to connect with them instantly if they knew each other's testimony of one of the many painful situations they had to go through or may be going through at the present moment.
We have to remember to love everyone as God loves us. We have to remember to show love because we don't know who in the world is at their wits in end.

How do we show love?

We can show love in many different ways:
1. Giving a smile
2. Holding the door open for someone
3. Encouraging someone
4. Being kind
5. Praying for someone who is in need
6. Serving others
7. Giving to one another
The list goes on and on, but when we go through this life and we find ourselves hurting and we find ourselves filled with so much pain and discouragement, we should be quick to find someone who is in as much pain or even worse pain (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) and try to be a helping hand to them. Because when we try with all of our hearts to encourage and help someone else, we end up encouraging and helping ourselves out of our dark tunnel.

We all can relate to pain, but we can also relate to love. It's worth the effort to show someone that you care, because in the end, you could be the very person that changes that one person's life for the better...forever.

True story: it's happened to me before. (:

Never forget that you're beautiful!


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