Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Overcoming the Feeling of Unworthiness

Do you ever have those moments, days, weeks, or even months where you feel like nothing you will ever do will be good enough? Do you feel as though you don't have a purpose or that you aren't worth anything? Have you felt like if you left this world, it would be a better place or that no one would even notice? Well, first off, you are definitely not alone, so don't feel that way! I know exactly what you're going through.

Would you like to know how to overcome these negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions? Great! Just keep reading!

It is human to sometimes have thoughts that make you feel like your life isn't worth anything. Sometimes, you will go through situation that take away all of the strength you could ever have. Do you want to know what makes the difference between a person who is depressed and a person who struggles yet overcomes? Well, the person who is depressed is feeling that way because that person decides to stay depressed. They allow those negative feelings to become masters over them instead of being masters over their depression. When you find yourself in a bad place, in a rut, or you feel like you have found yourself against the wall...fight. You don't have to stay where you are. Life is all about choices. You can choose to be happy. (Yes, I understand that it's not always as easy as it seems. I get it. I've been there; I'm just trying to make a point. lol.)

So, you're feeling unworthy? You're feeling like nothing you do matters?
One of the first steps on overcoming your feeling of unworthiness is by:
asking yourself...1.) Why do I feel unworthy?
Why do you "feel" like nothing you do matters? Could it be because no matter how hard you try in school, your grades are never good enough for your parents? Could it be that no matter how hard you try to fit in those friends you "think" you want as friends won't accept you?

Don't live your life by the approval of other people's opinions. You will only become a slave to them. Looking for others to tell you that you did a good job, or that you're pretty, or that you're awesome at this or that will never give you the satisfaction you're looking for. It will only leave you more empty than what you started off, now, you're in the negative which sucks even more.

2.) You need to ask yourself, "What does the Bible say about me?" "What does God say about me?" "Who does Jesus say I AM?"

-Many times we run so wild and desperate for other people to tell us that we're good enough. We look for people to tell us that they're not going to leave us if/when we mess up. If you live your life based off of those methods, you will constantly be ran dry because what you're looking for is NOT in other people. Your WORTH is NOT in other people. Your parents can't give you the validation you're looking for. Your friends, your cousins, your teachers, your pastors, NO ONE can give you that true validation you're looking for except for in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 1:11-14 says, "In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were in the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession to the praise of his glory."

If you have ever thought that you were born without a purpose, that thought is now false based on the Word. In Ephesians, Paul talks about how we were chosen in God. God chose us BEFORE we were even conceived. We were predestined to take part in God's plan somehow. God works everything out to fulfill the purpose of His will, therefore, all of His children, that's YOU, have been assigned a very special task that only YOU can fulfill for His Kingdom.
It also goes on to say that we were INCLUDED, that means we were purposely added to Christ when we heard God's Holy Word. And since we believed, we have been marked by God and given His precious Holy Spirit...
Although, this verse is somewhat self-explanatory, I want y'all to see that your life isn't meaningless. You're not some mistake. You're not just this person with no purpose, with no meaning. You are EVERYTHING meaningful! God chose us before we were ever even thought of. God had a specific purpose, and plan for our lives and that will never change.

When we feel like our life is worthless, we will still always have a purpose. You are worthy because God is worthy. He saved us from our sin. He died on that cross for us. He has given us the choice of repentance. We can turn from our sin to Christ, so we can abide in Him and so we can fulfill the Call He has placed on our lives!

God knows who you are. He knows what you're feeling. Go to Jesus to find your worth, not to other people. It simply will only make it worse. Go to God if you're feeling down or depressed. Sometimes when we're going through, when we pray that's not a time to talk about all of our feelings to God (although, it's okay to do that) but sometimes, we need to give thanks and praise to God. We just need to acknowledge and reflect on who God is and what He has done for us and that will make you feel so much better.
Even if you've never sang a song to God, just talk to Him. Just tell Him what you're grateful for, and it will make a major difference.

Jeremiah 29:11-14 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord."

God hasn't forgotten about you. Don't ever feel like you're not good enough. Don't ever feel like you don't belong on this earth. You have been crafted so preciously and have been blessed with talents and abilities that can change someone's life. You probably haven't found what your passion is yet. Once you've found your passion, you've found your purpose. You are worth it! Why? Because God said so! If we didn't have a purpose, if we weren't worth any kind of redemption, God never would have sent His son Jesus to die on that cross for us!

Jesus loves you. He wants you to know that your life has a specific meaning. He wants you to know that you are NOT alone and you will never be alone because Jesus is you. Always. Anything that you need, God will be for you, and don't you ever forget that.

So, the next time you feel as though you have no purpose, that you shouldn't be on this earth etc., you just look up to Heaven and you remind yourself who God is. You remind yourself that Jesus loved you SO much that He died just for YOU so that you can live with Him FOREVER!

You should always know that you are BEAUTIFUL and if you ever need a reminder, I'll be here to let you know that.


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