Thursday, April 10, 2014

Where's My Light At Then End Of The Tunnel?

Have you ever been going through life and you look around to see that everyone else's prayers are being answered except your own? Have you ever wondered when will you reach your light at the end of the tunnel? I'm pretty sure we've all come to that melancholy's like we start to think about when when when when so much, we end up pitying ourselves. That's no good. ha.
Although, I do acknowledge that there is a difference between talking out your problems and complaining about your problems. We always have to be aware of which one we're doing. I do understand that sometimes you just seemed to be so swallowed up by whatever it is that is harboring your heart. I totally get it. But, what I'm starting to realize is that we can't make our problems about us. lol. Y'all are problem giving me the stale face right now. But, yes, we can't make our problems about us...because when we dwell on our problems, we dwell on ourselves which makes ourselves the center of our world and we become self-fish, therefore, we make ourselves gods. Does that make sense?

The longer we tend to solely dwell on our problems, the more we are consumed by ourselves. There's no room for Jesus when we do so. Instead of complaining about our problems, we have to remember, (no matter how hard it is), to pray about our problems instead. We have to take our problems to Jesus because He knows just how to fix them and He knows how to comfort us.

CONFESSION TIME! lol. I am foremost guilty of going to other people first before I go to God. I have definitely been working on that. To be completely honest, things work out better that way. It's like you can come running to God looking a hot mess and He'll clean you up and He'll give you peace. So, it's natural to go to other people before we go to God, but we have to fight that tendency and remember that Jesus is an ever present help.

Back to what I was saying in the beginning...when will your light come when everything seems to be okay and you can "finally be happy"? Well, your light at the end of the tunnel will come when you stop focusing on your problems and whatever else is going on in your life and you start focusing and seeking God more than anything. It'll come when you start to want Him MORE than you "just want to be happy". Your happiness will come when you open up your heart so Jesus can fill you up and heal you from whatever has scarred you. You're probably thinking, "well, what if that person doesn't have their eyes fixed on Jesus?" "What if I AM giving my ALL?"...Well, keeping being faithful to God. He sees you. He hears you. He knows what you're going through. "Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." I know it can be hard to see everyone else's lives fall into place. I know it's hard to see everyone else be happy and I know it's hard to see everyone else get exactly what they want.

You can't covet them or be jealous that things are going how they have to be happy for them. It's no fun to have a Debbie-downer around anyway. lol. Forreal though, be happy for other people even IF you aren't happy. BE HAPPY for them because it just might make you feel better on the inside and it just might not only lift their spirit even more but it might lift your spirit to new levels.

While you are waiting for your light to content in the season God has placed you in even if everything around you hurts. Find rest in your Jesus. Don't wallow in depression or in your pity-party, go out and help other people who are less fortunate than you, go out and encourage someone who may be having a bad day. Y'all might just encourage one another and become great friends who encourage each other in the Lord.

Trust me, brighter days are coming, and one day maybe soon, your day will come. It all depends on God's timing. Not your timing. Just remember to be patient and wait on God. Get closer to God during this rough time...many times, in your darkest hour, that's when you find the light you have been searching for for so long. Don't be discouraged love. Don't be sad. Yes, I do know things hurt and situations are tough BUT our God is still an AMAZING God who sees your tears, your fears, your hurts, and your pains. He hears your prayers and don't ever forget that.

Focus on the person God has pre-destined you to be. Focus on the blessings God has given you. Focus on how wonderful, gracious, loving, and caring God is...then you will surely start to see that it's not so difficult to be happy. You'll start to see that your life isn't as bad as it could be. Your light is coming so don't give up. Persevere and put a smile on your face. It could take you very far.

Never forget that you are beautiful beyond measure.


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