Saturday, September 27, 2014


I understand that it can be difficult not to conform in this society...especially living as young women for Christ. I understand that some of the clothes that we see in the stores at the malls can sometimes be appealing or attractive to us, but that doesn't necessarily mean that those clothes are appropriate for us to wear out in public.

We have to remember that our bodies are the temple for the Holy Spirit. In all that we do, we want to bring glory to our Heavenly Father.

It's breaks my heart seeing our sisters in Christ (some believers and unbelievers) dress in a way that allows the opposite sex to lust after them. It breaks my heart that 1. some young women aren't aware of how they're dressing and the wrong signals that it's giving off and 2. some young women know exactly what they're getting into. They know exactly how they look. They like to wear the tight clothes with the booty shorts and with their stomachs exposed. It bothers me a lot, because I just want to tell every young woman out their that they are so beautiful and that they don't have to show all of their goods to get attention from males. I want them to see their worth for what it really is. I want to see the beauty inside of themselves.

I wrote this spoken word in hopes that young women will see that what they're doing to their bodies is not okay. That it's not okay to dress like promiscuous women. It's not okay for men to lust after their bodies like a piece of meat. I want them to see that there are standards that should be set. I want them to see that they are worth so much more than they could even fathom.

So, I am asking you and every other girl out there to take part in this movement and make a point to STOP THE CROP TOPS.

I want this to be a promise that me, you, we, us make between God and ourselves that we will honor, cherish, respect, and love our bodies. I want us to take in all accounts that we are daughters of the King and that we, therefore, should live up to such a wonderful title. Let's show God that we adore Him and obey Him in mind, body, spirit, and truth. So, next time you are tempted to wear an item of clothing that is a little too revealing, remember the promise you made to God and the paper you signed with you signature saying that you will honor your body.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Do you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."

Below is the link to the promise:
*Print it out and hang it on your mirror as a reminder to you every day (:

Here is Stop The Crop Tops Spoken Word:

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