Monday, November 4, 2013

Has Your Thirst Been Real?

Sooo...I've been doing ALOT of thinking these past couple of days, and I feel like the Lord is trying to either teach or show me something....but that's a different story...
I was thinking about what the Lord would want for me to share with you guys this time, and the word reignite came into my head.

What does reignite have to do with anything? Well, I'll tell ya!
There comes a time in our lives where we go through a dry place or a dry season and it seems as though you're not producing any fruit. You cry out to God, but it seems as though He isn't there. You try to pray and seek God buttt it just doesn't seem to be happening and you feel as though your faith is stagnant.
I can personally testify to those many, many dry seasons, but I'm not here to talk about me; I'm here to encourage you through this dry season or post-dry season.

So, it's been a couple months since you've felt a deep connection with God. It's been a while since you really prayed and you really opened your Bible and really spent time with God. And that dry season seemed to be eating you alive...well, what happens when you feel and know that the Lord has finally brought you out of this dry place? Where do you go with your faith now? I suggest you go nowhere but up and forward.

After our dry season is over, we feel like it's been ages were we've truly connected in a deep, intimate worship with God, and of course you miss that personal time with God, and you want to get back into that routine, but you want things to be different than what they were and you want to be reignited with that passion for God you once had before.

Here's a few suggestions...:
1.) THINK: 
go back and reevaluate the things you did BEFORE you entered your dry season and WHILE you were in your dry season. In hindsight, were there somethings God was trying to get your attention on? Are there somethings you could have done differently that would have equipped you while you were going through your dry season? Think on those things that you did that were not so productive and pleasing to God...and once you've thought about all of those things, make a mental or physical note on what YOU ARE, not what you might, but what you are* going to do different that will help you get and STAY closer with God. A lot of times we can prevent issues from happening if we go back and think about the issues we went through before. It's like a mind map that helps you get around all of the obstacles...or a GPS, either one will suffice. Once you've figured out all of the errors that were made, if Satan ever tries to tempt you or if God decides to put your faith to test, you will know what to do this time because you've thought about how to triumph and not repeat the same things to put you in a desperate situation. Study & pass the test the FIRST time around!
2.) Chit-Chat:
Yes, have a little conversation with God about your heart's desires, dreams, and ambitions. Tell the Lord what you want to do for Him. Tell God how you feel and tell Him that you want to do what He has called you to do. Ask God to help you to stay strong and persistent and consistent through trying times and even the casual-flow times. Constantly talk to God. It is important that you daily build your relationship with Him...after all, He is your heavenly Father and friend! take advantage, He's got your back!
3.) Worship:
Worship has always been a very great thing for me that helps me feel close to God when I have no words to say in prayer or when it just seems like I can't read my bible. I always turn on some worship or praise, depending on the atmosphere, and I just sing to God. I just open my mouth and just sing how amazing and awesome God is. Victory is in your praise. Worship connects you with your's intimate and personal time between you and Him. It's not like you're at church with other people. It's just you, God, and your personal space. Worship will help ignite that passion that you once had when you first became saved or when you had that encounter with God.
4.) Stay Aware:
A good preventer in not letting you stray away from God or for letting your fire dwindle inside is simply staying aware of what God has done for you. Staying aware of what He's doing in your life, and staying aware of all of the dreams, passions, and desires He has placed in your heart to do great things for Him. Make sure you also stay aware of when Satan is trying to tempt you and lure you aware from the good things God has surrounded you with. It is very easy to become complacent and let things sly by you when you know they shouldn't be sliding by. In both aspects, we have to stay aware because it is very important in our walk. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."We always, always, have to stay watchful and alert and guard our hearts from the things that could potentially tear us away from God, or from the things that are trying to put our lights out.

Every once in a while, we always have to reignite our flame within, and that passion. We always have to stay thankful for what God has given us and I think that will help us stay where we need to be as well as putting in so much time with God so we can follow His direction.
Sometimes, we will go through dry seasons and our prayer, spiritual, or personal life will become very thirsty, but always remember that God is the River of Life...let Him flow through you and you'll never have to be thirsty again!

Always know that you are beautiful!

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