Saturday, November 9, 2013

Where Is Jesus During Our Storm?

Many times we find ourselves suffocated by this little event we call Life. Life is not fair. Life is rough. Life is a pain in the batootie, and Life is very frustrating and very confusing. Being young ladies, we are faced with many emotions that come naturally to us. We are emotional creatures. We are sensitive by nature, and being sensitive doesn't really help us tackle life head on. Although, we should not let our emotions run our lives. We are supposed to live by the Spirit and tell our emotions to take a seat and shut up. But, sometimes that is not always the case BECAUSEEE life can simply get you down, and it's hard. Very difficult.

Everyday, we encounter many giants and quite frankly, some giants are a lot bigger and meaner than other ones, and we're left trying to figure out how to fight these giants when our world seems to be falling apart or when the tidal waves seem to get more violent and they're threatening to drown you...

So, where is Jesus when we've found ourselves in the midst of a big storm and darkness surrounds? I know you've heard many people say that God never leaves us, that God is always there for us, and when you're going through something no one else in the world can understand, those words can be very frustrating to hear because you feel like God is no where around. You feel as though God doesn't care about you and your problems, and it feels as though God will never rescue you from the very thing that is suffocating you and threatening to take your life.

Many times God remains silent during our storms, that doesn't mean He has let us go because He hasn't. Yes, God is here for us, but we also have to remember that when we find ourselves in the midst of the storm that God may be trying to show us something. God may be trying to make us stronger, and or maybe He just wants us to learn some things we may not have learned or discovered had we not been in a storm. Most times, we won't even know why we were going through what we were going through until AFTER the storm is over and the rainbow has appeared. (It's just like that sometimes *shrugs*) lol. Even though going through a storm can seem very long and it hurts, and it's lonely, and it SUCKS. BUT, Jesus is STILL with us. Jesus is our peace and calmness in a storm. You know how the eye of a hurricane is very calm and peaceful? Well, just think about Jesus as the eye of a hurricane. Yes, we may have so much mess and hurt and pain and chaos surrounding us, but we know that Jesus is in the middle of it all, and that He will gladly hold our hand through the WHOLE storm. I assure you of this. (personal experience. lol)

It is by God's grace, mercy, and love that after the storm, we are able to say that we are still standing and that we made it out alive. At the end of a storm, our faith is made stronger, we're made whole, and we have gained so much more understanding and wisdom than what we have had before. And by using what we have been equipped with during the storm, we are then able to go out and serve God. We obtain the confidence of going out and sharing our testimony and just what God has done in our lives.

It's not easy being a young lady trying our best living for Jesus. It's not easy at all because we have many things that we go through, and it's really tough. But I proclaim to you, if you hold on to Jesus' hand during your storm and you keep putting ALL of your trust and strength in Him, He will take care of you and blow your mind away!
Romans 8:28-30, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified."

Don't ever feel like you're alone and that you have nobody. Jesus knows that you're hurting. He knows where and how you're hurting. And the great thing about it is that He KNOWS how to fix your hurt. He knows how to make it okay, and most importantly, He knows how to make you smile again. I promise, it will be just fine. You will get through this life, because Jesus has overcome this world and that makes you MORE than a conquerer! Exciting right? lol.
Keep your head up love.

Don't ever forget that you are BEAUTIFUL just the way you are!

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