Friday, October 25, 2013

There's MORE

One thing for sure: There's MORE.

what does that mean?

Many times, I see young people, as well as myself, sometimes get stuck just going through the motions of life. I see them get lost in the shallowness of the world, because they mistake it for something eternally deep that will only get them transient satisfaction. It's very easy to get bombarded by the chaos of the world. I know it's easy for us to get lost in all of this madness because sometimes we go through an identity crisis. Many adults may say or think that young people have no clue what it's like to go through an identity crisis or that we're still young and we don't know what we're feeling or thinking. Maybe sometimes, that statement is true, but for A LOT of us out there, we know exactly what we're feeling and thinking and many times we feel like our backs have been pushed against the wall. We end up not knowing which way to turn, so we choose to go down a path that feels good, a path that may seem easiest, but in reality just harms us and doesn't help us for our future.

Before I go on, I just want to state that if anyone who is reading this is going through a time or season where they feel like they have no idea who they are. They feel like they don't know what there life is for or where they are headed. I just want to say that...

1.) You are a child of God
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1

This might sound cliche but we are made in God's image. God knew you before your parents knew you. He was the one that formed you in the womb. You came from the Most High God. He is your Father. God blessed your parents with you as a gift and a blessing to take care of, but ultimately, we all belong to God...our Heavenly Father. Whenever Satan tries to get to you and tries to tell you that you're nothing, that you're nobody, you just look up to heaven and proclaim that you are a child of God and that God has a perfect will for you that will not harm you but to prosper you. Never forget that you come from the Lord. Don't let anyone ever think that you're anything less than heavenly royalty. We are children of the KING OF KINGS which makes us princes and princesses (:

2.) God is in control
"For I know the plans that I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Let me tell you, It is OKAY to not have it all together. It is OKAY to sometimes feel like you don't know what you want to do with your life. You want to know why it's okay? It's okay because you can then put your life into God's hands and let HIM take care of YOUR life and YOUR future. Once we learn how to stop stressing and actually trust God with our lives and the desires of our heart, we will find that we are able to enjoy life a lot more and we will see that our life is actually starting to line up the way it was originally intended before we tried to put matters into our own hand. Don't think that you have nothing to live for because really, you have EVERYTHING to live for, and that everything is Jesus. You already know. lol.

So, when we get caught up in not knowing which way to turn, and we're just so desperate for something or someone to love us, and we're desperate for something or someone to fulfill us, to give us something to live for, to give us purpose because we feel so empty. There is more to live for than just going to parties and getting drunk and high. There is more to live for than just hooking up with random people and having relationship after relationship. There is more to live for than just crying yourself to sleep every night. There is more to live for than having to take to cutting yourself because you just want to divert the pain because it's easier to deal with. There is more to live for than starving yourself because you don't feel like you're "perfect" enough. (There's no such things as perfect. We're made perfect and righteous through Christ.) There's more to life than hurting people because you just want someone to feel the pain that you're going through. THERE IS MORE to life than all of our hurt, pain, sorrow, tears, abuse, and misuse! There is more! And I'm here to tell you that Jesus, that relationship with Jesus is that MORE that will fill you up on the inside. He is that more that will help you learn to see yourself as beautiful. HE IS that more that will take away your pain and your burdens.

It all stops with Jesus!
you probably aren't believing what I am saying to you.
But it's all true, Jesus is the one that can make you feel so wonderful and so giddy inside. No, I have not always done what I have supposed to do. No, I have not always been obedient to God's Word. I sin everyday. every single day and yes, I have to constantly ask for forgiveness, but what I'm trying to prove is that no matter what you're going through, no matter what you've done, Jesus will still love you just the way you are in spite of your mess and your heartache and heartbreak. God will come through for you.

If you're looking for something more to this life that will give you everlasting, unconditional love...if you're looking for something that will give you fulfillment and joy...if you're looking for something that will pick up the pieces to your broken heart...JESUS will do all of that.
He wants to be our friends. He wants to be our provider. He wants to be our protector and our stronghold. He wants to do all of those things. He wants to take away your heartache and your pain, but you have got to let Him in. Jesus will never force Himself to make you do anything you don't want to do, and when you decide to come (I hope you do) He will be right there waiting on you, and He will never leave you. I promise. God is not a man that He should lie. (Numbers 29:13) He loves you. You will have more with Him.

There's more to life than this...there's more

Never forget that you're beautiful! Always!


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