Sunday, January 5, 2014

Captivated By Fear?

Have you ever had this dream lingering in your heart and whenever you would tell someone, they'd shoot you down and tell you that it's crazy or that you should dream something else because it's not going to happen?

Have you ever wanted to accomplish something that you felt so deeply in your heart about and you got so close, but you stopped yourself because you let the spirit of fear overtake you and you ended up backing out?

Well, I don't know about you, but I've gone through situations such as those and to be honest, I'm going through a situation like that right now.
A situation where the outcome and process can be so scary because you have people against you or your thoughts are against you and you'd rather back down than face the giant of fear.
Yeah, it's not how do we overcome fear? because we definitely cannot let it run our lives. We have too much in store for us!

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

The bible is filled with MANY verses and passages on not fearing. But, I think I want to discuss on this today. The beginning of Deuteronomy 31 basically talks about how God was telling the people to go ahead and cross the Jordan river by themselves, because Moses, who was now 120 had gotten too old to lead anymore. So, the Lord was like alright, y'all since Moses can't lead, y'all need to cross the river by y'allself but before you do, I will cross over before you to make sure everything is good and chill. Now consider, this is before Joshua is appointed as leader to lead the people into the Promised Land, so of course the people are going to be a little scared about what's going to happen.

The Lord was telling everyone to be strong, and not to be terrified about any possible enemies or attacks because He is with them. God reassures the people that He is not going to go anywhere. He will not let anything happen to His children.

How does this apply to us? Well, it applies to us because sometimes when we have somewhere we either want or know we need to get to and God has already told us before hand that He is with us and that He's not going to let anything happen to us, we still freak out and doubt God. We get scared of the unknown and what exactly is going to happen as we are working hard to get to that thing we want to accomplish. Sometimes, we don't even step a foot out in front of the other because we set our focus off of God and we fill ourselves up with so many doubts and what-ifs. We forget that God told us that everything was going to be fine...that God is with us.

Instead of operating in fear, we have to learn how to operate in faith no matter how scary the road may seem. "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Psalm 23:4

Sometimes, we become afraid to go through a little trial and tribulation because we don't know what's going to happen to us while we go through it, but don't we know the Lord has our hand every step of the way? Even though we are going through a dark, dark, scary valley (which is only temporary), we have the amazing option not to fear anything that could ever harm us because God has our back. He does and He always will.

When we learn to surrender our fear or whatever else we struggle with, God will replace that with His joy, peace, love, boldness, faith. You have to know that you have already won the victory. You have to know that since you belong to God, you are ALREADY equipped to face your situations BOLDY by faith.

It's difficult, and it may be harder than we ever could have anticipated but we have to trust God in every circumstance. Because if we choose not to trust God, it's like us saying yeah, Lord, I want to overcome this but I'm not going to let you help me. What kind of sense does that make? If we know God can deliver us from whatever it is, we have to actually LET Him do what He needs to do while we wait patiently for Him and do our part.

Don't become a slave to fear, anger, sadness, depression or whatever else the enemy throws at you. Proclaim that you already have the victory and that you WILL and ALREADY have gotten through the toughest part yet. God has your back. Be free in Him. If you really want God to take away your fear, ask Him. Spend time and prayer and you'll be amazed at just what He does in your life.

Never forget that you are beautiful. Always.


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