Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Who Is Depths Of Beauty For?

Some of you may wonder who exactly is this blog for.

Well, this blog is centered around young women of every kind. Of course, this blog is centered around Jesus Christ and always will be, but this blog is not just for christians.

Anyone who struggles with identity, self-esteem, self-infliction, depression, suicidal thoughts, homosexuality, or even if you feel as though you have it all together. This blog. This ministry is for you.

& of course, I believe every word of the Bible and believe what Jesus said is true and will always be true, and I also want you to know that you can come as you are. You can come to Jesus as you are even if you're not a christian. Jesus will accept you.

Side Note: don't get me wrong, no one makes it to Heaven but by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and believing that He is the Son of God who died for our sins.

But what I am trying to say is that if you ever just need words of encouragement, comfort, guidance, or just seeking for a place of refuge, or you want to find something different than what the world is offering, this blog is for you.

As young women, I know that we go through so much and sometimes we go through some things where it may seem like no one can possibly understand. With this blog, I hope that you will find something here that encourages you to become better. I hope you will see this as a place where you feel like you are not alone, because you're not. You're not.

We all go through so much. Our lives are very different, but do have one thing in common(if not more): we are daughters of the King, Jesus Christ and He can help us overcome our struggles, our issues, our insecurities. He will help us to become servants and ambassadors for Him.

Together, we will learn to see ourselves the way Jesus sees us, and He sees us as His beautiful children.

You are beautiful. You are loved. You are made in His image, and you are perfect the way you are.


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