Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Got Thankfulness?

Hey y'all!

I've been m.i.a for a while...with good reason though, but, that will remain a different story. lol.

So, I live in Georgia and recently, we have come down with this snow storm. It's extremely crazy out there. People were swerving, hydroplaning, getting stuck. I saw people walking in the bitter cold and intense snow. It literally made me thankful that God allowed for me to get home safely to a nice, warm home. It made me think about all of the homeless people downtown...all over. Where in the world would they go in this chaos? No food. No shelter. Just the cold and maybe a thin, torn blanket. The thought of that made me feel convicted. Why did I feel convicted instead of sad, worried, or concerned over all else? Convicted is what my heart felt.

I felt convicted because sometimes I let some of the most important things slip to the back burner of my mind. I get caught up with the situations and frustrations that I'm going through that I forget to thank God for the things that I am NOT going through. Someone out there, some where has it so much worse than I do and yet, I complain. Yet, I'm still not satisfied because things don't go how I originally planned.
FYI: When things don't go your way...it's okay because God has a plan. It may not happen on your time or when you think or how it's going to happen, but if you're called to it, you will get to it. Being delayed could be the very thing you need so God can continue to work through you so He then can elevate you once you get to where has called you.

We have to learn how to consistently praise and thank God in the midst of trials and wonderings. We have to remember that this life we are living is so much greater than we can imagine. Even when we aren't aware, other people are still watching us. We have a bigger impact than sometimes we would care to have. Someone's salvation is always at stake and we have to remember that.

When we start to lose our thankfulness and we start to fall away from daily prayer and communication with God, we cut our spirits off from that River Of Life that we so desperately need to survive and thrive. We should never be so caught up in pride where we fail to go to God in prayer and ask Him to help us. We should never think that God won't be there so we have to rely on ourselves for help. Or we should never get upset with God over the things that He promised and showed us aren't going how WE planned them. If they are God's promises and plans, then they will happen on HIS time. We can't rush God. We can't rush our spiritual growth. Sometimes we're delayed to get to our calling because we aren't spiritually ready. Why would God elevate us in our calling and we're not ready to deal with everything that goes along with it? We have to remember to take it one step at a time, and with each step, we always have to remember to be thankful that God is allowing for us to make it to another step. Jesus always works in the details, and that is something we cannot afford to miss.

Along with God's calling comes patience, and before we can get to the calling, we have to develop patience, strong faith, perseverance, and most times, we just have to CHILL out. That's all. It's that simple.

As you're reading this, and you're laying down or listening to music, reading your bible, whatever it is, let's just be aware that we don't have to be where we are. We don't have to have the life that we live. Someone, somewhere always has less than what you have, so you have to be grateful. Let's possess a spirit of gratefulness. It'll carry us far. We're not entitled to anything. Everything God gives, He can surely take it away. Be purposeful with the talents, gifts, and abilities God has given you. Do something great for the Kingdom. Always.

Never forget that you are beautiful.


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